
CSSTidy / News: Recent posts

CSSTidy 1.1 released

CSSTidy 1.1 has been released.
* saving comments is now possible (further improvements to that probably in the next version)
* stdin input (filename: - ) and a silent mode (--silent=true)
* message log (you are notified about most optimisations)
* CSS 1.0 for remove invalid properties
* fixed bug: correction of wrong newlines
* fixed magic quotes (unnecessary backslashes in the CSS code)... read more

Posted by Floele 2006-02-04

CSSTidy 1.0 final released

Today CSSTidy 1.0 has been released. This version mostly fixes bugs that have been found in the beta version and should be stable now.
Version 1.1 will follow soon, the most important new feature for this version will be the option to save comments.

CSSTidy is a program (C++)/script (PHP) that optimises, fixes and formats CSS code, so it is supposed to be the HTMLTidy for CSS. The core of CSSTidy is a CSS parser that does *not* use any regular expressions which makes CSSTidy more reliable than many other scripts/programs in this vein. ... read more

Posted by Floele 2005-10-29

CSSTidy 1.0 (beta) for Windows, Linux and OSX released

Today CSSTidy 1.0 (beta) has been released. It is now available as executeable file for all major OSes: Windows, Linux and OSX (thanks to Thierry Charbonnel). It is now in a testing stage so please report any bugs you notice.

CSSTidy is a program (C++)/script (PHP) that optimises, fixes and formats CSS code so it is supposed to be the HTMLTidy for CSS. The core of CSSTidy is a CSS parser that does *not* use any regular expressions which makes CSSTidy more reliable than many other scripts/programs in this vein.... read more

Posted by Floele 2005-10-12