Kyle - 2008-01-14

I'm having a problem uploading files in their original size.  I get the error that has been mentioned many times before and is included in the "Help with upload error" post on this forum. 

When I try to upload a file with the Max Image Size option set to None I get the normal "Maximum request length exceeded" error in the log file.  When I select every other size from the list the upload works perfectly fine.

I have added the httpRuntime maxRequestLength value in the web.config file but that still doesn't seem to fix it.  here is what I have in the web.config.

<httpRuntime executionTimeout="500" maxRequestLength="8192" />

I'm using the latest version of the plug in and the CS Gallery Manager.  Running CS 2007.  If you have any ideas what may be causing this please let me know.
