
CS PHP XML / News: Recent posts

CS-PHPXML Gits Going

What's going on with CS-PHPXML? It looks like it's been stagnant, right? No news, no releases...

In truth, there has actually been quite a bit happening. It has been slow, but CS-PHPXML is getting better. All of the work has been sitting in Subversion, and more recently on GitHub.

Why? Well, I've been trying to get more exposure and, through that, hopefully some developers willing to contribute. It's been a one-man show for far too long.... read more

Posted by Dan Falconer 2012-06-27

CS-PHPXML Closes in on 1.0

What is CS-PHPXML, you ask? It is a set of libraries for PHP that allows simple creation and parsing of XML files. Instead of trying to figure out where a given tag is by using regular expressions, CS-PHPXML allows you to simply refer to it by a "path" to retrieve a tag's value.

The path concept is arguably the most powerful--and fundamental--concept to CS-PHPXML. Using paths similar to a Linux filesystem (i.e. "/CONFIG/SECTION/SETTING"), it makes pulling data from an XML file or string simple. If you've ever had to work with a complex XML framework or API, I'm sure you know how frustrating it can be to work with the native PHP functions for XML, and I think you would enjoy the simplicity of CS-PHPXML.... read more

Posted by Dan Falconer 2009-06-12

Version 0.5.6 Released!

This release is mostly about making the system a bit more standards-compliant, adding some (literal) simplicity, and allowing for some automated testing. There were a few minor enhancements, the major one of which was the ability to return a "simple" array, which is devoid of the "value" and "attributes" sub-arrays for every tag, along with minor sanity fixes with exception handling. The release notes / change log is reproduced below:::... read more

Posted by Dan Falconer 2008-07-16