
released package CSMain 3.21

- no bug reports or whatsoever for beta1 ==> release!

- no bug reports or whatsoever for alpha1. Runs stable in the test setup for
about 500 hours
- just updated version number to beta1

- changing from VI Templates to reentrant VIs, see .

- library CSSystemLib
-- method _startThread changed (remains compatible with old version)

- class CSObj must continue using VI Templates
- class CAEObj now uses a reentrant VI instead of a VI template
- class NotifierObj now uses a reentrant VI instead of a VI template
- class BaseSM now uses a reentrant VI instead of a VI template
- class BaseGUI now uses a reentrant VI instead of a VI template
- class BaseProcess now uses a reentrant VI instead of a VI template
- class CSAccessClient now uses a reentrant VI instead of a VI template
- class ObjectInspector now uses a reentrant VI instead of a VI template
- class GeneralObjectGUI now uses a reentrant VI instead of a VI template
- class GOGFrontPanel now uses a reentrant VI instead of a VI template
- class DIMTableView now uses a reentrant VI instead of a VI template

- version number set to 3.21 (SCC revision 6642)

Posted by Dietrich Beck 2010-12-21

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