
Crystal Math / News: Recent posts

Version 0.5.7

Sorry about the long delay but I just moved up the university and I'm still getting used to the schedule and such.

Now onto better news, the source code the scripting system has been SERIOUSLY well commented and cleaned up, fixing many bugs. We have the excellent work of David Edelstein to thank for this.

Please check out the latest version (0.5.7) on the home page.

Posted by Lewey Geselowitz 2002-07-15

Version 0.5.6

I'm sorry about this but I update the SourceForge site far less than I should. However you can always get the absolute latest release from the home page. This latest version solves a lot of little bugs, almost perfects the differentiator, and sets up the tools with which to write vector operations.

Posted by Lewey Geselowitz 2002-06-01

Symbolic differentiation

Well I've just got down the basic utilities for doing symbolic manipulation (easily). So I'd appreciate it if anyone slightly interested would take a look (this in version 0.5.3), check out CrystalMath05_Rules.h

Posted by Lewey Geselowitz 2002-05-27

Developer's guide

For anyone checking out this project, I highly recomend you have a look at which is a guide to the inner workings of Crystal Math, this should help you in reading the source code and even working with the program.

Posted by Lewey Geselowitz 2002-05-24

Source and latest version

You can now get the latest versions along with all the source code from the home page. Of perticular note is the Windows console version which has an equation visualizer, which makes using it so much easier.

Posted by Lewey Geselowitz 2002-05-22

Binaries Available!

I've posted the Windows and Linux (console) binaries on the home page. There is also the special Win32 (dialog based) binary available there. The windows programs were compiled with Visual C++, and the Linux verson was compiled with g++ (under Red Hat 7.1).

Posted by Lewey Geselowitz 2002-05-21

Binaries Available!

I've posted the Windows and Linux (console) binaries on the home page. There is also the special Win32 (dialog based) binary available there. The windows programs were compiled with Visual C++, and the Linux verson was compiled with g++.

Posted by Lewey Geselowitz 2002-05-21

To Download

I havn't posted the source code because I'm still polishing it up. For now you can download the Win32 binary version from the home page ( under "Downloads" and "Crystal Math"). I'll also soon have the console based Windows and Linux binaries up there.

Posted by Lewey Geselowitz 2002-05-20

New Project

Crystal Math is a powerful math suite which allows for symbolic manipulation. Currently it can do everything that a TI-8x calculator can do, and it is so much easier to use than the standard calculator. The plan is to write additional functionality for it to allow it to do such tasks as symbolically calculus (like differention), and algebra (like solving). The end goal is to have a worthy open source replacement for expensive math suits such as Mathematica.

Posted by Lewey Geselowitz 2002-05-20