
Crystal9 / News: Recent posts

Starting up!

Ok... so there's not much here. Hopefully I'll be able to remedy that soon. So for now, here's a rundown of what I envision, what I need help with, and what you can do about it.

Crystal9, in it's current form IS AllCommerce 1.2.3. My primary focus right now is bug fixes, so if you want to get your hands dirty in a project, goto the AllCommerce site on Sourceforge and download 1.2.3. I'll try to get a copy up here soon. Unzip/untar it and in the base dir, you'll find a file that lists current bugs, fixed and not. Go through the list and verify each bug, and then submit it to the bugtracker for Crystal9.... read more

Posted by Aaron Unger 2002-07-08