Generove S. - 2005-06-07

I tried to use a cylinder for my bounding box. My problem unfortunately appears right before I can check any collisions.
My camera stands right outside the cylinder and views it. I now use the rotation transformation (only for horizontally) and moving length that I also use for the camera. I can see the cylinder rotation like the camera does and it moves the same amount camera does. Only problem is - the rotation does not have any affect on the direction of moving forward or backward.

This is the code for rotating the mesh:
            rot = csXRotMatrix3(0.0f) * csYRotMatrix3(rotY);
            csOrthoTransform ct(rot, playerCollGeom->GetMovable()->GetPosition());

...where playerCollGeom is an iMeshWrapper for the bounding box.

I tried to search out in the walktest, but did not get another way to rotate the mesh.

Can anyone give me a hint?