
#772 Landing should trigger floor runes


I've been thinking about how flying can be abused in dungeons where runes litter the floor.
Personally, I've used it to pick up all the treasure before I even try to disarm any of the runes around.
Landing on a rune when descending from flying should set off runes, like stepping on them without flying would otherwise do. This would balance flying a bit and make it reasonable. Players could still fly over runes, but items sitting on runes would not just be up-for-grabs without any difficulty to reach.


  • Kevin Zheng

    Kevin Zheng - 2014-02-24

    I agree; it should be possible to set off a trap or rune when landing on it.

  • Kevin Zheng

    Kevin Zheng - 2014-02-24

    In the server code: living.c handles ability changes, which means that it is called when the player stops levitating. This in turn calls object_check_move_on (living.c:537) to see if the object will trigger something. The problem seems to be in an op->move_type comparison (object.c:2852).

  • Kevin Zheng

    Kevin Zheng - 2014-02-24
    • summary: Flying breaks floor runes --> Landing should trigger floor runes
    • status: open --> analyzed
    • Group: 1.x_next+trunk --> 1.x_trunk
  • Nicolas Weeger

    Nicolas Weeger - 2014-09-21
    • status: analyzed --> feedback-needed
    • Group: --> 1.72.0
  • Nicolas Weeger

    Nicolas Weeger - 2014-09-21

    In my test the rune is correctly triggered when levitation runs out.

    Do you mean that picking items means you walk on the floor and thus should trigger runes? :)

    IMO, it isn't too bad that you can pick stuff without "hitting" the ground.

  • SilverNexus

    SilverNexus - 2015-05-23

    The dragon characters (with the levitation skill) can easily fly over runes as if they aren't there, and easily fetch tresure when its sitting on runes.

    For example, I can abuse this in the Santo Dominion well's final room. Though the room doesn't technically have runes, the same logic seems to apply. As a character with levitation, I can fly over the triggers that open the walls and release the shadow vipers. By landing on each of the treasure tiles and then flying when I leave the tile, I can then take the large amount of treasure there (including the quest item) without confronting any monsters in the room. It almost defeats the purpose of having the trap in the first place.

    Maybe I'm just not thinking about it right. It could be interpreted as a way to reward ingenuity of players, as well.

    • SilverNexus

      SilverNexus - 2018-01-10

      The problem with using this as a reward method is it severely limits the map design possibilities, since I would go so far as to classify treasure protected by floor runes and traps as "weakly guarded", indicating that there should not be significant treasure available from the rune area.

  • SilverNexus

    SilverNexus - 2018-05-20

    Maybe this could be set up as a chance upon landing based on Dexterity. Higher Dexterity means better chance of not setting off the rune/trap. Hopefully this balances both worlds where it rewards ingenuity and still makes it less abusable.
    Though there would need to probably be a special message to indicate to players that the trap is there when they land when they don't set it off? Probably best for spotted runes, otherwise I could see it being another way to identify runes for high Dex players; which may be abusable in another way.

    Sorry, still stream-of-consciousness brainstorming solutions and their impacts on this one.

  • Ben Nye

    Ben Nye - 2021-10-26

    I'd say that stepping onto a rune should have the same results whether it was from an adjacent tile or from the air.


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