
How to use XML outputter in test cases

  • suhas kulkarni

    suhas kulkarni - 2011-08-24

    Please help me how to use XML outputter in test cases with an example. For example if i want to display the columns(testcase, result, message, date)  in an xml like, how can i do it. Kindly help me. Thanks

  • Bitwise

    Bitwise - 2012-09-03

    You don't get the date information with the code as provided, but you can generate xml output with the -x switch on the command line:

    DllPlugInTesterd_dll.exe -c -x UnitTestResults.xml -s UnitTestReport.xsl clockerplugind.dll  yourtestcode.dll

    The UnitTestReport.xsl file file transforms the xml to output format you desire.  Including the clockerplugind.dll will add test timing info through the callback interface.  If you want to include date in the xml output, look at the callback feature (you will need to write this yourself).


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