
CPPSERV v0.1.97 released

CPPSERV is an application servlet written in C++,
and providing Java Servlet-like API to C++ programmers, along with CSP (C++ Servlet Pages)

The release 0.1.97 of CPPSERV core along with
release of CPPSERV samples package to accompany
it were shipped on November 16, 2006.

Two main features of this release are ability to
map servlets in logical tree structure (in other
words to create sub-directories), and an ability
to put multiple servlets into single library.

One interesting application of the last feature
is support for "themed" applications: rather then
manage/distribute hundred DSOs for each theme,
that your C++ Server Pages get compiled into,
it is now possible to link all related CSPs
(i.e. whole theme) into single library, and use
that for deployment. Next thing that needs to be
done is some way of making configuration file
easier to write for such cases.

Posted by Ilya A. Volynets-Evenbakh 2006-11-17

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