
CPPDTK-The C++ Developer's Toolkit / News: Recent posts

Project Status

After a long halt of development, CPPDTK will be seeing more development in the days, weeks, and months to come. I just lost interest in working on it due to the lack of usefulness, however, as of late I have been so desperate for ideas to program (I love programming), that I am starting to program anything I can get, so check back often in CVS for updates.

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-09-02

Bug fixed (1.2.2.patch2)

Took an hour, but the bug (see most previous news article) is finally fixed. Not only that, but I fixed another bug in 'prism' that ended quotation highlighting after a '\"'. I am not sure whether 'prism' is hard to manage, or I am a poor tester :) Either way, everything is ok.

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-05-14


There is a very serious bug in 1.2.2 hierachy, including 1.2.2.patch1. This bug generally affects larger sized input files, but can happen to any size file. The description if it is that 'prism' program may get stuck in a loop and keep writing output to the output file, therfore creating very large files ranging in megabytes if not stopped early. 'prism' should not take longer than half a second for a reasonable queue of files, and stop it as soon as possible if longer. This bug is being worked out, and a patch release should be out soon.

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-05-13

CPPDTK 1.2.2.patch1 - MAJOR Bug fix & new feature!

This new release extends base release 1.2.2, but has very major bug fixes in 'prism' program, including fixes that added some HTML junk to the colored output, so that now the outputed HTML is perfect-in that it is an exact colored replica of the inputed file(s). However, there are many more bug fixes. ****And not only that, there is a very exciting new feature: 'prism' now colors quotes and the quotations' contents!!! The included color file colors them red, but configure to your preference. Try it out-I guarantee you will love this new update.

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-05-13

CPPDTK 1.2.2 Released - A MAJOR Version!

This new release not only contains a new utility - "cm" - but includes major bug fixes and improvements. The change log is the biggest since the beginning, and the average size of the change log will get bigger for every release to come. Enjoy!

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-05-11

CVS stats are not updating, but we are in CVS!

For some reason, the project page doesn't show any CVS activity, but the project is fully in CVS and being updated, too. So please use CVS despite the posted stats!

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-05-01

CPPDTK 1.2a released!

This new release contains a new utility-"prism"! It is a C/C++ syntax highlighter, customizable of course, that outputs to HTML. It is easy to customize (see manual), which is always good. Also, a few bug fixes and "insert" has new features. The changelog says all. This new release is well worth the download as it is so much better than the previous one. Enjoy!

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-03-26

Final Status Update: Now in CVS, new program, ...

This is the final status update for the next release. We are now in CVS, despite how the summary page says otherwise (0 commits, 0 adds), so click the link and see the most recent source code, with a delay of an hour or two. Otherwise, use you CVS client and redirect to "" to checkout the source. Also, I have finished (nearly) a new program-a syntax highlighter. It will be great, and it is able to be ported to highlight other programming languages as it uses a file for color definitions, so you can easily customize it. It outputs to HTML. The next release will be out by this Sunday, March 28, 2004.

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-03-23

Status Update: Next release, new utilities, CVS...

Alright, this is expected to be the last status update before the next release. The BASIC interpreter is no longer being worked on as interest is lost, but I have created 2 new utilities! They both work, and will be in the next release. Also, its a little late but still: I will move into CVS by Sunday, March 21, 2004. I've been a bit busy, but please: the current two releases are NOT everything CPPDTK is going to ever be. **I just released those to get something going, NOT because that is complete. So please, if you are not satisfied with the current release, that is expected :) as those were, again, just released to get something going. So check back withing a few days for another release!!

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-03-18

Status Update: CVS, more features, BASIC + more...

Its been quite some time since the last release. Here is the status of what is going on with this project currently: I have been working on a BASIC interpreter, which interprets Dartmouth BASIC syntax (a few slight differences). Also, insert program now has more features, including making an entirely new insert from contents of files. **But the biggest thing to be excited about is I am moving into CVS soon! I have created an SSH key, and everything is ready for the move. Expect the move to CVS to happen withing a few days, and if not I will update the status on this. Expect another release real soon. PS: a syntax highliter program is also being made, actually it is, but is being tested and I am working on a bug in which the input file never loads. That will be in the next release, too.

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-03-11

CPPDTK 1.1.2 released!

This new version adds a lot of improvements, and it is recommended that you discard the previous version for this one. It has all the old utilities, but they are improved. See the change log linked from the summary page, or inside the release. Also, work has been started to create at least 2 more utilities, and they are probably guaranteed to be out by the next release. Enjoy!

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-02-24

Initial version released!

Version 1.1.1-intial version-has been released! It comes with 4 utilities, manuals for all utilities, source (separate package), and 3 headers for general use. This is not meant to be all that there will ever be. CPPDTK is still a long way from that. This release is just to get somthing going-to build some steam, if you will. Enjoy!

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-02-18

Binaries done, man pages being made...

The binaries are all finished, but the man pages are still being made. A release by tommorow, Monday February 16, 2004, is expected. I may start moving into CVS, but that is still unsure. CVS would provide a good place to keep updated, but I am a bit uneducated in using admin privaleges in CVS, so CVS is a 50/50 chance soon. Check back tommorow and if everything expected goes well, a release will be here!

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-02-16

Release to come most likely in a few days...

A release for this project is probably going to happen in the next few days. Much of the source is done and compiled, but man pages and etc must still be made. Check back soon!

Thank you.

Posted by Ian Agar 2004-02-13