
new version

Jens Wolf
  • Jens Wolf

    Jens Wolf - 2008-10-26


    I don't want to stress you, but I am wishfully waiting for the next version of coverjuke!

    Can you tell us when you are ready with the next version? and you will upload it?

    Thanks for your great work!

    • Jens Wolf

      Jens Wolf - 2008-10-26

      and I found another bug!

      when I say:

      Number of cover view on left or right from the main cover (automatic backup
      # on application ending)
      # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      nbclosealbum = 5
      for example!

      then there are 5 covers on the left but only 4 on the right side!

      It's always one lesser on the right side than on the left side!
      Maybe you can fix the bug, so that the same number of covers is on both sides! :-)

    • Mikael LE BERRE

      Mikael LE BERRE - 2008-10-27

      Hy demmy86,

      I don't know at the moment when I publish the next version.

      Il would like to add 2 major fonctions.
      Toolbar and Research mode... so it's a little difficult!

      For your remark, i'm going to see in source code but I think it's a minor problem.

      Thank you for your interest,


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