
Good version, bad problems

Adro Wab
  • Adro Wab

    Adro Wab - 2008-10-13

    Hi my friend!

    I was talking with friends and  found 3 problems more.

    1) When add new albums, Cover Juke doesn't recognize them

    2)In fast loading covers mode, some covers can't be seen

    3)Cover Juke 1.43 is heavier than 1.42 and 1.41. CJ use more system recurses.... is little unestbile. Several times it sef closed...

    Thanks for all


    • Mikael LE BERRE

      Mikael LE BERRE - 2008-10-14


      1) When you add new albums you must press "F5" in coverjuke to refresh the "cache".

      2) In fast loading you use DevIL library and in the other mode you use SDL_image.
      maybe DevIL has more bug!
      To resolve loading problem just re-compress image!

      3) I try to modify some loading procedure, but no idea at the moment... sorry


      • Adro Wab

        Adro Wab - 2008-10-14

        Thanks for your reply!

        can you tell me how can i re-compress image to use them with devil library? in unknow this.

        Thanks for all

        If you solve me this problem this version will be perfect


    • Mikael LE BERRE

      Mikael LE BERRE - 2008-10-15

      re-compress image!

      To do it just open the image with opening problem.
      You load it with all program for editing picture like (paint, gimp, photoshop, ...) and re-write it like "save as..."

      that's all :-)


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