
#111 Can't Connect between 2 Tiger Macs


Hi, I am trying to use VNC to connect from a Mac Powerbook G3 500 Mhz
with Tiger, to control a iMac G5 (20 inches) 2.1 Ghz on Tiger as well.

They're both on DHCP getting their IPs from an original Aiport Wireless
Base station 802.11b; although the iMac is getting it through an Ethernet
conenction and the PB using an Airpoprt Wireless conenction.

I simply cna't get a connection, when using the Open Conenction. I can
see the iMAc as Bonjour detects it, I also enter one the iMac's users'
password and I insure the user is logged in on the Imac as well.

I only get the dialog "Connection Terminated - Authentication Failed -
Reconenct Okay".

Doing the same and selecting full screen seems to allow a ceratin
conenction, but the screen is simply grey. Firewalls ports on both Macs
are deactivated.




  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    When you prepare the connexion with chicken of the VNC, enter the password that is in the authentification access. This board is in the syst. prefs. (PARTAGE, select SERVICE in french) of the computer you want to enter in.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Enter the password that is in the computer that you want to enter in This password is in Syst prefs, sharing, service, authorisation access. You see authorisation access only when Apple remote access is selected in sharing, services

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    When you prepare the connexion with chicken of the VNC, the password you must enter is not one you choose but the one that is in the authentification access of the computer you want to enter in . This board: authentification access is in

    syst. prefs.
    To see the board: authentification access then
    select Apple remote Access


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