
Posting a program

  • Ran Liebermann

    Ran Liebermann - 2001-08-06

    Greetings all,

    Where can I post my own useful little tool so everyone can download it and use it?

    Ran Liebermann.

    • rlewi

      rlewi - 2001-08-06

      There are two main ways to post a tool:
      1) The first is to send your sourceforge id to the admin (in this case robelewi) and you will be added to the developer list for the COSI site. This way you will have all the rights and controls of the file for updates, bug fixes, announcements etc. (Please go here for documentation and how-tos:\)

      The second (less desirable way) is to  use anonymous ftp to the space for the site (see the main COSI project page) and then notify the admin to post it for you.
      Please provide a readme or some documentation including license info with your tool.
      Good luck.

    • Joe Clarke

      Joe Clarke - 2001-08-06

      It would also be nice if you include the source in CVS (if possible).  This way it is easy for other developers to extend your utility.


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