
CorneliOS 3.2r19 has been released

The CorneliOS Team is pleased to announce the release of CorneliOS 3.2r19.

CorneliOS is a web based multi-user OS that runs in your web browser. All applications and files are stored on the CorneliOS server and are accessible all the time and anywhere. CorneliOS is platform and browser independent and offers a web application development framework.

CorneliOS 3.2r19 offers CIOS Edu API work manager GUI and filtering enhancements, new CIOS Edu API target manager and preferences features, a customizable CIOS Edu API dashboard screen, various CorneliOS GUI fixes and enhancements, CIOS security and input validation fixes, a new CorneliOS CSS compilation feature as well as updated system images, language kits and style sheets.

Of course the release also includes the usual bug fixes, code enhancements, minor feature changes and documentation updates.

Special thanks to all of those who help us by downloading, testing and giving us feedback - end users, testers as well as contributors.

Posted by Jos Kirps 2013-02-19

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