

  • Sip Swierstra

    Sip Swierstra - 2009-04-11


    I am building a communication portal for the 1500 souls on Saba Island, Caribbean. Your product seems to be the right tool to integrate in my framework.

    I have read your installation instructions. I believe that they are applicable when I would run the complite application from my own server.

    However in my case I have a host that gives me access to a MySQL server, so I do not need to deal with the complex aspects. I get a Database Name, User ID and Password and a server URL.

    Could you help me with the installation of Corendal Directory in these conditions?

    Thanks in advance


    • Thierry Danard

      Thierry Danard - 2009-07-16

      The Database Name, User ID and Password and server URL can be configured in each hibernate.cfg.xml file. Corendal Directory splits the data into several databases, but you can configure it to use one database, you just need to create all tables and sequences in that unique database, and use identical hibernate.cfg.xml file. Make sure that your provider allows the application to create temp files. Some hosts don't allow temp files, or only temp files in a particular location. By default, Corendal Directory creates temp files at startup in the temp directory of the application server, for example $CATALINA_HOME/temp on Unix and C:\Temp on Windows.


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