

v2.1 -

  • Support for pasting text using the CTRL + V keyboard sequence in messages section and entering name section.
  • Minor changes to the enter chat name section.

v2.0 -

  • You can now scroll up and down the messages list ( as well as the links / network paths and files sent list ) using the respective arrow keys.
  • More inline documentation in the code for ease of understanding.
  • Fixed aesthetic errors.
  • Fixed bug where internet link in message would not be identified.
  • Display mechanism of all sections changed. Now only last 10 lines of the message list are shown instead of 12 messages.
  • Update mechanism changed. The last person who exits the chat program will be notified that there is a new version available.
  • Access method through serial number in links / network path and files section changed. Now serial number represents the serial of the link sent, not the link visible.
  • History section of the links / network paths, files and messages section has been removed. Handled by new scroll feature.
  • Help module for links / network paths and files section removed. No need for them anymore.

v1.9 -

  • Typing speed no longer limited by refresh rate. Type at your own pace while the refresh rate is 0.67 Hz ( refreshes every 1500 ms ).
  • Fixed minor aesthetic errors.
  • Fixed potential bug where posting a network path would take a lot of time ( initially assumed that the program was stuck ).
  • Changed refresh rate to 0.67 Hz.

v1.8 -

  • New option to backup the entire chat history by pressing the F6 key.
  • Update function to check if a new program is available, and if so, then it will notify all users to press the F7 key to download it (any one user can download it). On doing so, a message will be sent to other users to exit immediately.

v1.7 -

  • Dates written in the format "XXXX-XX-XX", "XXXX/XX/XX", "XXXX\XX\XX", "XX/XX/XXXX", "XX-XX-XXXX", "XX\XX\XXXX" will automatically highlighted in green.
  • Times written in the format "XX-XX-XX" or "XX:XX:XX" will automatically highlighted in green.
  • Fixed bug of checking whether files necessary for proper functioning of the program has already been made.
  • Fixed bug where instructions for messages section was not written properly.
  • Instead of typing "link:" before a link / network path, the link / network path can now be written by itself. If it contains spaces, it should be encased in double quotes.
  • Instead of typing "file:]" to share a file, just press the F4 key.
  • Remapped function keys usages for the messages section.

v1.6 -

  • Fixed bug where program would say it is showing last 15 links / network paths or files instead of the last 12.
  • Fixed bug where all protocols in the links would not be properly recognised and as a result it would insert the standard "http://" protocol in the start.
  • Fixed bug in the history sections of the links / network paths section and files section where you could not exit.
  • Fixed bug in the links / network paths section and files section where only the first link / network path or file can only be accessed.
  • Now links / network paths section can be accessed by pressing the F2 key.
  • Now files section can be accessed by pressing the F3 key.
  • Now history section of the messages section can be accessed by pressing the F4 key.
  • Now history section of the links / network paths section and files section can be accessed by pressing the F2 key in those sections.

v1.5 -

  • Checks if name is already in use and removes any spaces in the name.
  • Fixed bug where errors would be shown to users.
  • Fixed bug where if any special characters ( arrow keys, function keys, etc. ) are pressed, then alpha symbol and characters are shown in the message. Now such buttons are ignored ( Except for the Escape and F1 keys ).
  • Using a anonymous local directory for the UNC paths instead of mapping it to the Z: drive.
  • Changed no. of messages shown from 8 to 12.
  • Shifted instruction for using the different sections into a separate module, which can be called using the F1 key. Instructions will be displayed depending on which section the help module was called from.
  • You can exit program when typing a name along with when in the messages section using the escape key ( ESC ) instead of typing "exit".

v1.4 -

  • Paths to a network folder can now also be sent ( ensure that the other users have permission to access it ). Use the standard link function.
  • All files of the program are now deleted when the only person left in the conversation exits.
  • Fixed major bug where program would break if used by a system that does not support UNC directories.
  • Fixed bug when sending links.
  • Fixed bug in accepting name of the program ( disallowed characters '~' and '`' so that the hacks cannot be implemented here ).
  • Fixed bugs links and files sections where the method to access there history was not shown properly / not told.
  • Fixed major bug in history sections ( where the name of the user changes after exiting it from the links and file functions ).
  • Fixed minor bugs in typing sections.
  • No. of latest messages / links / files shown from 11 to 8.
  • Decreased duplicate code and renived some redundant code.
  • Changed embedding links / sending links alone in the program. Now, to do so, type 'link:', followed by the link to be sent enclosed in double quotes. ( Example :- link:"" or link:"\network1\abcd" )
  • Changed embedding files / sending files alone in the program. Now, to do so, type 'file:', followed and press enter.

v1.3 -

  • Links are highlighted in blue and shown with the names of the users who sent them in the links function.
  • You can embed a link in your message by typing "link]]" wherever you wish for the URL to be placed. On finishing your message, it will ask you to type the name of the link to be placed.
  • You can embed a file in your message by typing "file]]" wherever you wish for the URL to be placed. On finishing your message, it will ask you to press any key after which it will open a dialog box to select the file you wish to send. On doing so, it will place the date and time at which file was sent in brackets.
  • Full messages / links / files sent history can be seen using the "his]]" command in any of the three areas. ( Eg:- To see the all messages, type "his]]" in the main messages area. To see all links or files sent, type the same in those respective areas. )
  • Images feature has been changed to Files feature to allow sending of any file type. The code has been changed as a result from "img]]" and "file]]".
  • Decreased refresh rate from 14.22 Hz to 13.33 Hz.
  • The last 11 links / files / messages sent are shown by default.
  • Color scheme has been minorly changed ( but not to the ones created within the messaging system ).
  • Fixed minor bugs in various sections of the program.

v1.2 -

  • Links and dates of images are now highlighted in blue and dark green respectively.
  • If the name of a participating user is written in a message, it will be highlighted in purple ( There should be a space before and after the name for it to be highlighted in purple ).
  • Minor optimizations and bug fixes.

v1.1 -

  • Names of users are highlighted in red in messages and images section.
  • Complete implementation of styling of program (Space around the borders).
  • Decreased name size limit to 25 characters.
  • Major optimizations for better efficiency.
  • Decreased refresh rate to approx. 14.29 Hz from 22.22 Hz.
  • Removed redundant code.
  • Bug fixes.