
Dreamrig Custom Computer Builder / News: Recent posts

0.3 beta Released

0.3 beta adds a lot of things I've been wanting to add for awhile, but there is still a lot to be done before it will have all the functionality I would like.

Posted by Chris 2008-02-14

0.3 beta coming soon

I know it's been awhile but I am working on another beta release of the Custom Computer Builder with a lot of changes. After that I should be able to release a stable version soon.

Posted by Chris 2007-07-12

0.2 Beta Released

I have just released version 0.2 beta of the custom computer builder. It has several improvements but I still think it needs a bit more work. Sorry about the long wait between releases. The next release will be sooner, I hope.

Posted by Chris 2006-11-12

0.1 Beta Released

I have just added the first release for the Custom Computer Builder: Beta 0.1. Please Download it and try it out, then give me your comments so that I know what people will want for the next release.

Posted by Chris 2006-07-12