
#398 Document No / "." in Expense Report



if we enter expense reports it is needed to delete the . in
the expense report before saving, so that it gets the
correct Document No. Is there a better solution avoiding
this removing of the . ? I have tried to remove it from the
default value, but then I will never get a document no.

Bye Yves


  • Kathy Pink

    Kathy Pink - 2003-03-01

    Logged In: YES

    Can I have a bit more detail please. What field gets the
    period in it? What error messageare you getting? What field
    are you trying to remove the default value for.

  • Kathy Pink

    Kathy Pink - 2003-03-01
    • summary: Document No / "." in Expense Report --> Document No / "." in Expense Report
    • status: open --> pending
  • Yves Sandfort

    Yves Sandfort - 2003-03-01
    • summary: Document No / "." in Expense Report --> Document No / "." in Expense Report
    • status: pending --> open
  • Yves Sandfort

    Yves Sandfort - 2003-03-01

    Logged In: YES

    The Period is in the Document No. It only gets a default
    number if the . is removed before first save.

  • Kathy Pink

    Kathy Pink - 2003-03-01
    • summary: Document No / "." in Expense Report --> Document No / "." in Expense Report
  • Kathy Pink

    Kathy Pink - 2003-03-01

    Logged In: YES

    I cannot replicate it. I seet he period in the doc number (I'll
    ask Jorg why it is there) but I just leave it alone, select a BP
    and enter a desc or leave it balnk. When I select Save the
    period is removed and the document number (properly
    incremented) appears.
    What happens to you if you do not try to delete the period
    and just save the document as I have done?

  • Kathy Pink

    Kathy Pink - 2003-03-02
    • summary: Document No / "." in Expense Report --> Document No / "." in Expense Report
    • status: open --> pending
  • Yves Sandfort

    Yves Sandfort - 2003-03-03
    • status: pending --> open
  • Yves Sandfort

    Yves Sandfort - 2003-03-03

    Logged In: YES

    Okay for us it seems to be a multi user and temporary

    If two or more users create a new expense report and then
    press save, only one of them seems to get a number... If now
    they will create lines without getting a number sometimes
    they use the same report which results in not correctly
    assigned records.

    This seems to be a problem if a user creates a new record
    without saving, changing fields and save for example after 10
    or 15 minutes. Within this time another user has also created
    a new one on his workstation.

    As said it not happens everytime, but maybe this helps you
    or joerg to reproduce this error...

  • Yves Sandfort

    Yves Sandfort - 2003-03-03
    • summary: Document No / "." in Expense Report --> Document No / "." in Expense Report
  • Jorg Janke

    Jorg Janke - 2003-03-03

    Logged In: YES

    The . is basically the same as <number> - an indicator, that
    the ID/Document No should be ignored and retreived from the

  • Jorg Janke

    Jorg Janke - 2003-03-03
    • summary: Document No / "." in Expense Report --> Document No / "." in Expense Report
  • Yves Sandfort

    Yves Sandfort - 2003-03-03
    • summary: Document No / "." in Expense Report --> Document No / "." in Expense Report
  • Yves Sandfort

    Yves Sandfort - 2003-03-03

    Logged In: YES

    Okay that is the explanation for the . in the doc no, but how
    about the problem that two users seem to create the same
    new record. and then one of them won't get a number?

  • Jorg Janke

    Jorg Janke - 2003-03-05

    Logged In: YES

    This is related / caused ny the document sequence issue
    raised in another support request.

  • Jorg Janke

    Jorg Janke - 2003-03-05
    • milestone: --> X-R2.4.4
    • summary: Document No / "." in Expense Report --> Document No / "." in Expense Report
    • status: open --> closed

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