
Ready-to-use Compiere (CODAF) now released!

  • Daffodil Software Ltd, India

    Greetings to the community!

    It gives me great pleasure in announcing that Daffodil Software has released CODAF (Compiere+Daffodil), a fully-usable ERP that can be installed in less than 5 minutes. This ready-to-use Compiere (with fully automated installation and bundled database) has been priced at US$100 (for 10 users).

    Alternatively, a CD version is also available upon request. Please note that the previous version of Compiere-compatible Daffodil DB remains free for the Compiere community. More details can be accessed via:

    The new (CODAF) release augments the performance of Compiere (with Daffodil DB) by around 200%. To highlight this - each one of the nearly 175 forms and reports of Compiere now open in 5 seconds or less. With CODAF, Compiere will now be up-and-running in a few minutes with database support from Daffodil DB. Unlike the earlier version, users need not download three separate components - the new release integrates these components and the GUI installer guides the user through the installation process  first for Daffodil DB and then for Compiere.

    Additionally, I wish to let the community know that Daffodil Software will now also offer services around Compiere. These services will include - but not limited to - support for CODAF, Compiere and Daffodil DB; and also customization and product/application development around Compiere.

    Regards, Uday

    • Daffodil Software Ltd, India

      Aloha from Daffodil Software!

      The purpose of this posting is to update the community with regards to the latest that has been happening at our end, as also outlining what the community can expect from Daffodil in April:

      (a) As always, the feedback from the community has been great! We would like to thank each and every one of you for the same. Currently, we are clocking 100 downloads per day, and have sold multiple CODAF licenses and support packs in the last 2 weeks.

      (b) We are making dedicated efforts to make Daffodil DB compatible with the latest version of Compiere. This should happen in another 2 weeks or so.

      (c) I would also like to announce that the license for the latest version of Daffodil DB - version 4.1 - is also free for the community. Please feel free to request for your free license via

      (d) As always, we will continue to offer free support on our forum, accessible via

      (e) Last, but not the least, we have decided to offer customization and other services around Compiere. For more details on this, drop me a line at I hope to hear from (a lot of) you at your convenience.


      PS - I would also appreciate if people use both forums (the Daffodil forum as well as the SF one), as a show of support. The more active THIS forum is, the better.

    • Daffodil Software Ltd, India

      Hello everyone,

      This postting is to announce the launch of the New CODAF (Compiere + Daffodil) - compatible with the Compiere 2.5.2. This launch is in tune with our declared roadmap; and with this, we have bridged the gap between the earlier and the latest Compiere versions. Akin to its previous version, the New CODAF is equipped with an integrated installer - for Compiere and Daffodil DB - which can be installed in less than 5 minutes.

      Additionally, the New CODAF is available at the same price - US$100 for 10 users. The free, 21-day trial version can be downloaded from In keeping with its promise, we have maintained a FREE license for the Compiere community for Daffodil DB v4.1, requestable at

      We would also like to inform the community that as part of our roadmap, we are making continued, devoted efforts to introduce multiple-language support in CODAF. With this feature, users will be able to translate data into various languages supported by Compiere.

      Lastly, as communicated earlier, we re-iterate that Daffodil Software has started to offer customization & product/application development services around Compiere. For more information, please drop us a line at

      Uday Parmar


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