
Cancelling an invoice

  • DMF

    DMF - 2007-11-23

    Hi everyone,

    After i have completed my invoice, whatever the choice of the status i made "void" or "reverse/correct", i don't see any difference.
    In both cases, there is a new document with negative amounts.

    Only status are different :
    The invoice became "voided" in the first case, whereas it is "reversed" in the second one.
    The new generated document are "reversed".

    Can you explain me the difference, please ?




    • aladin

      aladin - 2007-11-27

      Void can be used before or after completing a document. But the
      Reverse-correct can be done only after completing a document.

      If you void before completing, it sets all the quantities to zero and
      completes the transaction. The effect is that the transaction didn't happen.

      When you void after completing, it reverses the transaction, by creating another document with different signs on the lines, and the document status is changed to Voided. For example create an invoice for $100 and complete, and then void it, Compiere will create a second invoice for -$100. The nett effect is that the transaction hasn't taken place.

      In case of Reverse-correct the document status is Reversed, and an equal and opposite document is created (same as voiding after completing). You need to copy the lines to a new document and then correct anything and complete.

      I had similar questions to you as well about this....


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