
Subversion Source access

  • Yves Sandfort

    Yves Sandfort - 2006-10-16

    Hello everyone,

    the servers are in place since last week, but my fault I forgot to make the access data available.

    Details on source access can be found at:

    Please make sure that all Patches for contributions you provide are from now on build against this version.

    So again everyone get's access to the code.

    And I wanna thank everyone for their contributions so far, even if we couldn't accept all, there are a few which are in code already.


    Yves Sandfort

    • PAscal

      PAscal - 2006-10-18

      Ok compiere has made some source code available.

      But wich version is available ?
      that information is not available ...

      Files haven't any modification timestamp available ...

      That will not be easy to use ...

      • Carlos Ruiz

        Carlos Ruiz - 2006-10-18

        First of all, thanks for sharing the current version.

        Personally I see with very good eyes the movements made by Compiere:
        - Release publicly sources again
        - Release complete sources (not crippled - happy to see that my fears were appeased)
        - Release with GPL version
        - Left the door open for others that need different licensing options, is a good way to make business for Compiere Inc. and I applaud this decision

        Personally I would prefer completely free SVN access, not signing, but it's ok, it's your jurisdiction.

        Personally too, I have some questions about:

        1 - Is version in SVN repository tagged?

        2 - If not, when have you planned to make a release tag?  This is a must to accept contributions and give good support.

        3 - Are you going to keep the CVS private repository?

        4 - If yes, are you going to keep both repositories synchronized?

        5 - If not, how much dealy must we expect to see changes on public repository?
        (actual synch was delayed 5 months)

        6 - Are you going to accept and integrate external contributions, probably from Compiere forks?

        7 - Are you planning to share some control on the roadmap, or keep it centralized?

        8 - Are you planning to share some control on the policy for accepting contributions, or keep it centralized?

        Thanks in advance.


        Carlos Ruiz - globalqss

        • Trifon (An ADempiere founder)

          Hi Carlos,

          very good questions.

          I hope that we can see some answer here. I'm not optimistic, but who knows. It looks like Compiere Inc. start changing after we made Adempiere...

          One question from me.
          Why Compiere Inc. had to wait fork to be born before publishing sources??? I do not not expect answer, but hope that fork will make them work more. And it looks that fork will be good in future as it will make both projects move.

          Kind regards,

        • DigitalArmour

          DigitalArmour - 2006-10-18

          Good questions.  Hopefully, after the partner conference we will have more answers


    • Kathy Pink

      Kathy Pink - 2006-10-19

      The main issue with the access to the source was a matter of band width.  Source forge was not reliable and we did not have the infrastructure set up to allow access to the general community.  An appropriate infrastucutre needed to be set up from scratch.


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