
About Requests

  • binh

    binh - 2005-07-05

    Dear all,
    I confuse the term Request in Compiere. Is the Request come from Customers via Web or email? Are there any relations between the Requests function and Maketing Campaign Management function.
    Please help me understand this term.

    Thanks and Best regards,

    • knowledgeblueba

      knowledgeblueba - 2005-07-05


      The Request functionality is generally derived from the Web or email via a support or other customer form. Generally there is no relation to Marketing campaigns as this is another area outside of the requests. You could set up a Request Type, marketing related, from the web site that would be able to be processed within the system and you may be able to track information from their.
      The great thing about Requests is it can be used for internal purposed as well. (i.e. support, missed calls, quotes, etc.)
      I hope that helped somewhat.



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