sharmendra - 2007-11-15

while creating the custom process , i am getting following message while saving data
Trx.commit: **** POSave_91b28538-2675-4557-9d6c-601b26b5d7d1 [15]
17:40:05.734 Trx.close: POSave_91b28538-2675-4557-9d6c-601b26b5d7d1 [15]
17:40:05.734 MPInstance.afterSave: afterSave - Process Statistics updated Sec=1 [15]
17:40:05.734 Trx.commit: **** POSave_3061080c-6bc5-436c-b01d-2e2289a3ce79 [15]
17:40:05.734 Trx.close: POSave_3061080c-6bc5-436c-b01d-2e2289a3ce79 [15]
17:40:05.734 MonthlySalaryProcess.unlock: MPInstance[1000633,OK=falseCreated #0count10Sal id is1000000] [15]
17:40:05.734 unlock - Created #0count10Sal id is1000000 [11]
17:40:09.328 MLookupCache.cacheReset: WindowNo=2 - 1 -> 0 [11]
"MonthlySalaryProcess" is my custom process name.
" MonthlySalaryProcess.unlock: MPInstance[1000633,OK=falseCreated "
ok is false here and data is not saving in the table.

with Best Regards,
