
Error in Initial Client Setup

  • mohab

    mohab - 2005-12-19

    Hi all,

    I am use relase 2.5.3 and i have this error message when i load the Accounting.csv file:(Check the error log and the format of the Accounting*.cvs file - No duplicate Accounts and all all defaut accounts must be included (even if you will not use them)).

    Please if any body know the soultion please reply to me.


    • Alejandro Falcone

      Hi mohab,

      There are 4 new default accounts in 2.5.3:

      1) 51290 Product Inventory Clearing (P_INVENTORYCLEARING_ACCT)

      2) 51210 Product Cost Adjustment (P_COSTADJUSTMENT_ACCT)

      3) 952 PO Commitment (COMMITMENTOFFSET_ACCT)

      4) 121150 Accounts Receivable Services - Trade (C_RECEIVABLE_SERVICES_ACCT)

      Works fine as long as you use the updated usaccounting.csv.



    • mohab

      mohab - 2005-12-20

      Hi Alejandro,
      Thanks for you reply and please if you can tell me where i can get the Accountingus.csv updated file.

      Thanks a lot,

    • Alejandro Falcone

      Hi mohab,

      the accountingus.csv file is distribuited with the 2.5.3a version. You should have it in the compiere2\data\import dir


    • mohab

      mohab - 2005-12-21

      Hi Alejandro,

      I do it thanks a lot.



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