
Allocation problem: Credit memo

  • ismet sener

    ismet sener - 2010-02-06


    I create a Sales Invoice for USD 1.000 then I create a Sales CREDIT Invoice for USD 100
    then I make a payment of USD 900,
    When I look at the Business Partner -> Open Balance -> USD 200 this is wrong it should be USD 0 (zero)

    When I try to allocate the payment against the sales invoice and sales credit invoice I see:

    USD 900

    USD 1000
    USD 100

    When I allocate I see a difference of USD 200, so this means it do not recognize the credit invoice, for the system it is normal invoice , in stead of a credit invoice

    But when I look at the bookings of the invoices and the payments , they are all booked correct.
    When I look at the document type of the credit Invoice, I see:
    name: AR Credit Memo
    GL Category : AR Invoice
    Document Base Type: AR Credit Invoice

    So this looks OK

    So what is the problem?????

    I have EXACTLY the same problem with AP Credit Invoice

    So something is going WRONG when CREDIT invoices are used, with PAYMENT ALLOCATION and Business Partner Open Balance

    With kind regards,

  • Yves Sandfort

    Yves Sandfort - 2010-02-06

    What Version of Compiere are you using, have you tried the professional/enterprise edition?

    These issues should not be in place on modern compiere versions. They are known for old releases.

  • ismet sener

    ismet sener - 2010-02-06

    I use the Community version  3.2 ,

  • Yves Sandfort

    Yves Sandfort - 2010-02-06

    You should try a newer release, however I can't tell you when and if Compiere Inc. makes these Community available. YoU might need to ask Compiere Inc. direct.

  • ismet sener

    ismet sener - 2010-02-06

    I do not know when they will come with a newer version for the community edition,
    Obviously it is much interesting for Compiere to pay attention to the Commercial/Professional edition.

    I do not hope that they forget that  Compiere is a OpenSource software,
    so in my opinion Compiere should  release a  newer community version (with the bugs solved) every half year!!!!!

    There should also be no big differences between a Open Source version and the Professional/Paid version.

    And they should also create/organize a MORE ACTIVE   Open Source Community.  There should be a lot of questions and answers on the Sourceforge Compiere site. Much more then now.

  • aladin

    aladin - 2010-02-15


    It looks like the system thinks that the USD 100 credit note is a normal invoice.

    1) Check on the Document Type window for the Credt Note that:
    Return Transaction = Yes

    2) In the Payment Allocation form allocate the USD100 Credit Note to the USD1000 Invoice. This should leave an open amount for USD900 on the USD1000 invoice, and the Credit Note will be marked as paid. The actual payment for USD900 should then settle the open amount.



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