
Tax retention according to a minimum

Juan Pablo
  • Juan Pablo

    Juan Pablo - 2007-03-12

    Hello to everyone!!!

    I am a newbe to Compiere and currently I am trying to figure out how to set up tax retentions that are only applied if the price of the product is over a minimun base. If the the prices is under that base the taxt retention shloud not be made.

    I'm not very experienced on this matter so I am not sure how retentions work in Compiere so please be patient.

    Anayone know how to pull this off?

    • Enrique Ruibal

      Enrique Ruibal - 2007-03-12


      As far as I know at this point, Compiere doesn't automatically calculate TAX retentions, however there are a few work arounds to it, so If you may further elaborate on what you need with regard to this issue, I might be able to provide a useful hint.

      Best Regards,

      Enrique Ruibal

    • Juan Pablo

      Juan Pablo - 2007-03-21

      Thank you very much for your help offer and I'm sorry for taking so long to write back. I was away for some time.

      I need to stablish a tax retention system that is applied automatically whenever I purchase or sell goods. The retention rate depends on product or services categories and is only applied when the value of the purchase/sale is over a minimum. That minimum value changes for every product or service group.

    • Enrique Ruibal

      Enrique Ruibal - 2007-03-21

      As I said, that is not built into Compiere's core functionality but you can extend it to perform as your request, maybe using some advanced features such as callouts and procedures.

      Enrique Ruibal


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