
context in tomcat not response

  • Mauricio Santacruz

    I have installed compiere server in RedHat 7.2 the  client swing worked fine, but the client web, not responding.

    when i try to open whatever item in menu, catalina response with error like this once:

    at org.compiere.plaf.CompierePLAF.getFieldBackground_Inactive(

    and the CClient.jar is locate in $COMPIERE_HOME/tomcat/webapps/compiere/WEB-INF/lib

    or this other error:

    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)

    please help me

    • Jorg Janke

      Jorg Janke - 2001-12-01

      For technical support, please log a support request ... or well, maybe better not.

      The error happens at the statement
      return UIManager.getColor("control");
      and basically means that the native linux library cannot be found - which is odd as the swing client works ??
      Please make sure that you use the same Java version/path/classpath for Swing and the Server.
      If you decide to open a support request, please include the complete trace.  ;-)


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