
Columba / News: Recent posts

Columba Development Snapshot 04-24-2003 Released

A new development snapshot is now available from:

Columba is an Email Client written in Java, featuring a user-friendly graphical interface with wizards and internalionalization support.
Its a powerful email management tool with features to enhance your productivity and communication. So, take control of your email before it takes control of you!... read more

Posted by Frederik Dietz 2003-04-23

Columba Development Snapshot 04-14-2003 Released

A new development snapshot is now available from:

Columba is an Email Client written in Java, featuring a user-friendly graphical interface with wizards and internalionalization support.
Its a powerful email management tool with features to enhance your productivity and communication. So, take control of your email before it takes control of you!... read more

Posted by Frederik Dietz 2003-04-14

Columba 0.9.11 released

Version 0.9.11of Columba is now available. Columba is a highly multithreaded Java email client. It supports multiple POP3/IMAP accounts, message filtering, the common basic features you would expect, and an address book.

For the first time this version supports full internationalization support. This includes writing and reading messages in any charsets supported by your JRE and translation packages which can be downloaded separately. There are currently finnish and german packages available. Much time was spend polishing the user interface, basic python scripting support was added, the logging system is now based on log4j and our mailbox format is now 100% mh-style.... read more

Posted by Frederik Dietz 2002-10-04

New WinLauncher

..with a brand new Icon

Posted by Timo Stich 2002-09-26

New documentation repository

Documentation for users and developers is now available here:

We hope this new central repository makes it easier for people to use and to contribute to Columba.

Everyone is invited to read the information we have
collected so far, to improve and enhance it.

Most of this stuff can be found on our website, too.
But I also started to write some new stuff like
command-line parameters docs, code conventions, etc.... read more

Posted by Frederik Dietz 2002-09-03

Columba 0.9.10 Released

Version 0.9.10 of Columba is now available at

Columba is a highly multithreaded Java email client. It supports multiple POP3/IMAP accounts, message filtering, the common basic features you would expect, and an address book.

This version adds printing-support, a completly
reworked composer-ui with address-completion
and an attachable addressbook-frame. We have
a new default iconset, a customizable toolbar and
much more.... read more

Posted by Frederik Dietz 2002-07-23

First Winlauncher Release

We are now delivering a exe to start Columba under windows. With that feature you are able to
- Start Columba by double-clicking columba.exe
- Make Columba your default-mailclient that opens mailto-links from your browser

Posted by Timo Stich 2002-05-14

Columba 0.9.9 Released

Version 0.9.9 of Columba is now available at

Columba is a highly multithreaded Java email client. It supports multiple POP3/IMAP accounts, message filtering, the common basic features you would expect, and an address book.

This version adds a completly reworked addressbook, import filters for mails and
contacts, much better vFolder support, etc.
Another interesting thing is that Columba works
now with JDK1.4 and JDK1.3.... read more

Posted by Frederik Dietz 2002-05-14

Columba 0.9.8 Released

Version 0.9.8 of Columba is now available at

Columba is a highly multithreaded Java email client. It supports multiple POP3/IMAP accounts, message filtering, the common basic features you would expect, and an address book.

This version adds PLAIN authentication support for SMTP, much better compatibility with cyrus imapd and a whole bunch of other IMAP related fixes. A new account generation wizard was added and much
gui annoyances were fixed, too.... read more

Posted by Frederik Dietz 2002-03-16

Columba 0.9.7 Released

Version 0.9.7 of Columba is now available at

Columba is a highly multithreaded Java email client. It supports multiple POP3/IMAP accounts, message filtering, the common basic features you would expect, and an address book.

Columba now works with JDK1.4.The default "Reply"-action show the messag inline. Also
added "Reply as attachment"- and "Forward inline"-actions. Opening messages in composer
works now. This is especially useful in addition with drafts and templates.... read more

Posted by Frederik Dietz 2002-03-07

Columba 0.9.6 Released

Version 0.9.6 of Columba is now available at

Columba is a highly multithreaded Java email client. It supports multiple POP3/IMAP accounts, message filtering, the common basic features you would expect, and an address book.

This version fixes some POP3 synchronization bugs
and adds POP-before-SMTP authentification support. Also added serverside imap searching. This enables features like "apply filters" and VFolder support for IMAP folders. For more information visit

Posted by Frederik Dietz 2002-03-01

Columba 0.9.5 Released

Version 0.9.5 of Columba is now available at

Columba is a highly multithreaded Java email client. It supports multiple POP3/IMAP accounts, message filtering, the common basic features you would expect, and an address book.

This version fixes a POP3 authentication bug. Server-side IMAP copying/moving/deleting of messages was added. A soundfile can now be played when new messages arrive. An "automatically download new messages"-option was added to POP3 mailchecking. For more information visit

Posted by Frederik Dietz 2002-02-18

First Release

Columba's first Release is now out!
You are welcome to try it out. Please let us know your opinion.

Posted by Timo Stich 2001-06-24