
A step forward

I did a bit of analyzing work on the colorpicker this last week. Turns out the back-end is doing poorly compared to my hopes. I'm going to need to re-think somethings, mostly the data structure.

Some work to generalize def_pop (the function which creates the color scheme) has been done. I want to make it able to handle number systems ranging in size from 1 to 256. I'm still coming out empty handed from that fight, but I should be getting it sometime soon.

I finally gave a name to the color scheme which I am using. It is called Discrete HSL (or Discrete Hue-Saturation-Lightness). I was doing some thinking and the scheme is actually the HSL but in the discrete domain.

I'm not anticipating any major releases for the next few months. I'll be working on it as time permits. I hope to put out a release which will fix the datastructure and def_pop problems. The summer will hopefully be a time of full out design.


Posted by Louis-Pierre Charbonneau 2003-01-19

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