
Colonist / News: Recent posts

Colonist 0.9.7 released

Colonist is a meta-distribution which exploits existing live CD Linux distributions by adapting them to coLinux platform.

Changes for this release are available at:

Project home page:

Posted by Anonymous 2005-12-02

Colonist 0.9.6 released

Colonist is a meta-distribution which exploits existing live CD Linux distributions by adapting them to coLinux platform.

Changes for this release are available at:

Project home page:

Posted by Anonymous 2005-11-18

Colonist 0.9.5 released

Colonist is a meta-distribution which exploits existing live CD Linux distributions by adapting them to coLinux platform.

Changes for this release are available at:

Project home page:

Posted by Anonymous 2005-10-18

Colonist 0.9.2e released

Colonist is an easy-to-use installer of live CD Linux
distributions for coLinux.

Notable changes in this release are:
* New distros: Gentoo Minimal 2005.0, Mono Live 1.0, Knoppix 3.8.2, DamnSmall Linux 1.1
* Added option to Advanced Settings to specify amount of free disk space in root filesystem.
* Added initrd at startup to pull kernel modules when coLinux version changes
* Several fixes

Please visit project homepage, report any feedback: read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-06-09

Colonist 0.9.2d released

Colonist is an easy-to-use installer of live CD Linux
distributions for coLinux.

Other than adding 2 new distributions, namely Kubuntu
5.04 and Pardus 1.0, this release mainly features some
cleanup, several fixes and upgrade of VNC to 4.1.1 from
RealVNC; the latter of which resolved color issues in
Knoppix 3.6, font problems in DSL and provides several
You're encouraged to upgrade and try your favourite
distribution with this new release.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-05-05

Colonist 0.9.2c released

Colonist is an easy-to-use installer of live CD Linux distributions for coLinux.

This release mainly addresses "sporadic host system crash" issue of 0.9.2b
which had been withdrawn for this reason. Some other changes are:

* Ubuntu 5.04 has been added to supported distros.
* mem parameter passed to colinux-daemon is no longer a static 64M now.
It's set as 96M for Knoppix, 128M for Ubuntu and Mepis, 64M for others.
* Several fixes, especially in Advanced Settings.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-04-11

Colonist 0.9.2a released

Colonist is an easy-to-use installer of compact yet popular live CD Linux distributions for coLinux.

In this release:
- Feather Linux 0.7.2 has been added to supported distributions

Download release from:

Further info:

Colonist home page:

Posted by Anonymous 2005-02-11

Colonist 0.9.2 released

Colonist is an easy-to-use installer of live-CD Linux distributions for coLinux.

In this release:
* Damn Small Linux 0.9.3 has been added to supported distributions. It has only 250 MB disk space requirement.
* Fixed and improved Linux network configuration. Internet access is now possible after ICS is enabled in host.
* Windows drives are added as cofs mounts (/windows/A, /windows/C, etc)
* Page display order corrected in NSIS script
* coLinux version requirement is set as 0.6.2... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2005-02-06

Colonist 0.9.1a released

Colonist is an easy-to-use installer of live-CD Linux distributions for coLinux.

This is a bug-fix release.

Please see the ChangeLog and README to observe changes in this release.

Posted by Anonymous 2005-02-04

Colonist 0.9.1 released

Colonist aims to provide an easy way to install and exploit compact yet popular live CD linux distros with coLinux.

This is initial release of Colonist.

For a general overview of Colonist, visit:

Screenshots are available:

Posted by Anonymous 2005-01-26

Colonist screenshots available

Initial screenshots can be viewed from the screenshots page, visit

Posted by Anonymous 2005-01-25