
CMF Forum 0.1 Released

This is the first release of CMFForum. A forum for CMF based on ZDiscussion.

CMFForum is being hosted on the Collective project, at Sourceforge.

Particular features of interest in CMFForum:

* Messages can contain attachments.

* Thread view

* Sortable threads

* Plays well with CMF and Plone

* More to come

Also, Limi promised to do a rework on the UI to make it more Plone-Like ASAP.

Install Instructions:

* Create a Plone or CMF Site

* Create an External Method with the following settings:

id: install_forum
title: Install CMF Forum (optional)
module: CMFForum.Install
function: install

* Have fun!

Posted by Sidnei da Silva 2002-06-14

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