
Exporting Biped and Camera objects

Mark T
  • Mark T

    Mark T - 2009-05-27

    Does anyone know why these objects (Bipeds and Cameras)  are ALWAYS sampled and always baked matricies?  Everything else logically uses Trans / Rot / Scale, and normal keyframes, except these...

    • Robert Wuerfel

      Robert Wuerfel - 2009-05-28

      Hi Mark,

      which plug-in are you using?
      Max or Maya?
      Felling or NextGen?
      Which Version?

      • Mark T

        Mark T - 2009-05-28

        Ahh right sorry, ColladaMax, Feeling software. Latest version.

    • Mark T

      Mark T - 2009-05-29

      I fixed camera by modifying:




              sampleMatrices = (maxCtrl->ClassID() != Class_ID(PRS_CONTROL_CLASS_ID, 0)) != 0 || FindConstraint(maxCtrl) != 0;
              bool temp = (maxCtrl->ClassID() != Class_ID(LOOKAT_CONTROL_CLASS_ID, 0)) != 0;
              sampleMatrices &= temp;

      the temp variable is the camera class, it exports it very well! and it exports beizer camera movement that way. very useful.


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