
Problems linking with DOM - boost errors

  • Myrmecophagavir

    Myrmecophagavir - 2010-03-20

    I've built the 1.5 DOM DLL for Visual Studio 2005, but am unable to successfully link my project with it. I get the following errors:

    error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class boost::system::error_category const & __fastcall boost::system::get_system_category(void)" (?get_system_category@system@boost@@YIABVerror_category@12@XZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl boost::system::`dynamic initializer for 'system_category''(void)" (??__Esystem_category@system@boost@@YAXXZ)

    error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class boost::system::error_category const & __fastcall boost::system::get_posix_category(void)" (?get_posix_category@system@boost@@YIABVerror_category@12@XZ) referenced in function "void __cdecl boost::system::`dynamic initializer for 'posix_category''(void)" (??__Eposix_category@system@boost@@YAXXZ)

    This happens even though I'm including libboost_system.lib and libboost_filesystem.lib on the command line. Is it possible the version of boost distributed with the DOM is broken? I'd have thought there'd be other references to this if so, but I can't find any. I can't see what I'm doing wrong though - I've tried including the boost libs through both #pragma comment lines and the "additional dependencies" field to no avail.

    I found I needed to define BOOST_ALL_NO_LIB for my project too, though the 'setting up' guide only mentioned adding it to the DOM project itself (where it was already defined anyway.) I have also defined DOM_DYNAMIC.

  • Marcus Barnes

    Marcus Barnes - 2010-08-22

    If you're not using boost, then I recommend building without it. Define NO_BOOST in your project build settings and that should do it.

  • Myrmecophagavir

    Myrmecophagavir - 2010-08-27

    Thanks for the reply, I figured this forum was dead :-)

    I did eventually discover NO_BOOST, and that fixed it at the time.


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