
Compiling problems with VS9

  • alberto

    alberto - 2009-03-13

    Hello I am trying to compile collada-dom\viewer\projects\vc9-Win\viewer.sln in collada-dom-2.2 with VS9
    I have an ATI card and WinXP, I have installed Cg-2.2_February2009 and the opengl headers should be ok, even though I'm not so sure about the glext...

    What I get after rebuilding the viewer solution is

    Warning    1    warning C4150: deletion of pointer to incomplete type 'cfxData'; no destructor called collada-dom\fx\src\cfxmaterial.cpp 43    fx

    Error    2    error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Post-Build Event..."    viewer    viewer

    Can you help me? I forgot to install some libraries? May I try an older version of collada-dom?

    Thanks in advance any advice will be much appreciated

    • alberto

      alberto - 2009-03-15

      I tried with collada-dom-2.1 and eventually I get the same result... Here is VS9 output:

      Embedding manifest...
      Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 6.0.5724.0
      Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
      Performing Post-Build Event...
      Numero di parametri non valido
      Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Post-Build Event..."

      "Numero di parametri non valido" means
      wrong / invalid number of parameters / arguments

    • Christoph Nenning

      The Post-Build Event of the viewer project tries to copy DevIL.dll from "rt" project:

      xcopy /Y ..\..\..\rt\external-libs\devil\win32\lib\DevIL.dll $(TargetDir)

      is it present on your system?

    • alberto

      alberto - 2009-03-16

      Yes... in fact the project is built succesfully... I solved the problem disabling the Post-Build Events and copying the needed dll manually... now it works fine! Thanks for the answer


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