
#160 BSOD during install or uninstall on Windows Server 2003

v0.7.x (release)

Whenever I try running the colinux 0.7.4 installer I receive a Blue Screen of Death, It says irql_not_less_or_equal.
At first I thought that the problem might be with one of the components. So I unchecked all the components during the installer, but I still get the BSOD.
The operating system I am running is Windows Server 2003 Enterprise.
Any Idea what the problem might be?


  • Henry N.

    Henry N. - 2009-07-01

    I hope: This is a 32 bit Windows?

    Try a clean uninstall, than reboot Windows and install the driver manually from this location:

    BSOD is better, than simple reboot. We need the stack backtrace. Please try to enable a "minidump", than lets crash again and analyze the minidump with WinDbg.exe, follow steps "Howto use Windows crash dump" from file "debugging.txt":

  • Steven Barendregt

    yes it is 32-bit windows.

    Unfortunately When I try to uninstall Colinux, I get the BSOD again.
    I have recorded the minidump of this BSOD, but i can't figure out how to attach the file here.

  • Henry N.

    Henry N. - 2009-07-02

    Steve, please attach the minidump file to an email and send it to my SF account (henryn).

  • Henry N.

    Henry N. - 2009-07-03

    minidump Stack with symbol names

  • Henry N.

    Henry N. - 2009-07-03

    Steve has send me the minidump. He was trying uninstalling coLinux 0.7.4
    I added the symbols for linux.sys. The result have attached.

    b5c888e4 nt+0x8c993
    b5c88998 nt+0x2998b
    b5c889c8 linux!co_os_mutex_acquire+0x18 (linux+0xc8b8)
    b5c889f8 linux!co_manager_open+0x8F (linux+0x1e6f)
    b5c88a48 linux!dispatch_wrapper@8+0x2D7 (linux+0x7c37)

  • Henry N.

    Henry N. - 2009-07-03
    • summary: BSOD during install --> BSOD during install or uninstall on Windows Server 2003