
Codestriker 1.9.7 released

* Introduced basic user authentication / authorisation into the
system. If the $admin_users configuration variable is specified
in codestriker.conf, this contains a list of "admin" users.
If defined, admin users are the only ones who can
create/edit/delete projects.

* Created another Subversion post-commit script which is an extension
of the standard script which ships with Subversion.
The email sent also includes an additional line, which is the URL to
the auto-created topic.

* Updated so that it can be executed from any directory, not
just bin.

* Creating Perforce topics directly from already committed files in the
depot did not work if the depot was on a different machine to the
web-server. This has now been fixed.

* Fixed an issue where some Perforce describe diffs were not being
parsed correctly as reported by This has
now been fixed.

* Added a drop-down on the topic create page where the initial topic
state can be set. By default, this is set to "Open", however in
situations where a review has already been performed but needs to
be recorded, or a topic is automatically created from a post-commit
script from an SCM, sometimes another initial state is desirable.

* Updated to support a separate Apache virtual host per
Codestriker project as suggested by
Manual has been updated with the appropriate instructions.

* Help popup text windows on the create topic and search screens
disappear automatically when the cursor is moved off the (?) link.

* Fixed a bug where Subversion diffs with binary files that contained
property changes were not handled correctly.

* Make $file_viewer more flexible so it can handle file mapping URLs
which have CGI parameters. Submitted by

* Scmbug integration now works correctly when there are multiple
commits to the same file under the one Bug ID. Fixed by

* ScmBug integration now works correctly when deleted files are
present in a Subversion changeset.

* Added "Diff" link for each comment on the list comments page so that for
those reviews which aren't linked to an SCM, it is still possible
to quickly link back to the coloured topic text.

* Fixed the rendering of non-latin characters when syntax highlighting
is enabled.

Posted by David Sitsky 2013-06-03

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