
Feature Feedback

  • Yahor Sinkevich

    Yahor Sinkevich - 2006-05-05

    Hello again!

    After some time I was using Code Striker I've some feedback and feature requests.

    1. In one our project we have file with about 20.000 lines! I know this is very very bad but, when I'm changing this file its hard to find out "red" line number. So it will great if there will be a button "Next changed line" and "Next commented line".

    2. In the "Topic Comments" it will be very usefull to see a line thats is under discussion (maybe instead link to the change).

    3. Is this possible to turn code striker to commit changes to the SCS after review is completed?

    4. It will be very usefull to create server side "hooks", that Code Striker will call, using this hooks we can implement some feature we needs. E.g commiting changeset to the SCS.

    4. Is this possible to edit commited files using Code Striker and WEB Browser?

    Thanks a lot for the Product and help!

    Best Regards
    Yahor Sinkevich Aleksandrovich

    • David Sitsky

      David Sitsky - 2006-05-08

      Hi Yahor,

      Thanks very much for your message.

      For point #1, the "list comments" screen, with the show context option set is likely to be a bit more user friendly if you want to easily iterate over the comments.  I think this is related to point #2 (ie set with context 6 lines).

      Points #3 and #4 are interesting, can you create a new feature request so we can track this?  Just follow the links from the Codestriker home page.

      The last point sounds do-able if we could achieve the last two points.

    • Yahor Sinkevich

      Yahor Sinkevich - 2006-05-12

      Hi David,

      I've added several feature requests, please see it and give me your look.

      Thanks a lot!

      • David Sitsky

        David Sitsky - 2006-05-16

        Thanks - they are all interesting requests.  These days, I am very busy with work and life, so I probably won' have any time to look into any of them in the near future, except for the very easy ones.

        It is important that we have them documented here though - so if anybody else wants to implement it, they can.


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