
#17 viewFile function disabled

Jan Ruzicka

viewFile function is disabled on diff only installation.
I would like to be able to view file that the comment
is concerning.

Is there any possible fake valid_repository that would
allow the file view to appear?

I would like to do it without flooding the log by
following error messages:

[Wed Feb 16 17:20:51 2005] Use of
uninitialized value in concatenation (.) at
line 145.


  • David Sitsky

    David Sitsky - 2005-02-16

    Logged In: YES

    We can build a new repository object to potentially do this.
    What we need to understand is where are the actual files

    What Codestriker needs to understand, is given a filename
    within a specific patch, what does it need to do in order to
    retrieve its full contents.

    If you can provide more information on your setup, we should
    be able to build the appropriate repository object, for
    example, once that just reads files from a directory
    accessible from the web server.

    In your situation, would you want to define a "file system"
    repository object, which points at a root directory
    containing all your source files, and source the data from that?

    Perhaps if you can attach an example patch and directory
    listing, I can write this for you, it shouldn't be very hard

  • Jan Ruzicka

    Jan Ruzicka - 2005-02-17

    Logged In: YES

    I did not make myself clear.

    I was asking for a repository object for a case that there
    is NO repository, not even a file.

    Current problem on my hands is to prove value of code
    striker before it can be approved access to any repository.

    The HTML output of a failed local CVS repository looked OKay.
    The missing lines had just line numbers and the rest was
    populated by the parts of the patch.
    (This at least gave the impression what it can do once the
    repository is accessible)

    The problems with current handling of a failed repository
    are two:
    a) There are tons of lines screaming about a empty string
    concatenation in the apache log. (One entry per missing line
    makes the log gargantuan after only a few viewings of a file
    [10k lines per view])
    b) That there is no indication on the result page that the
    repository connection failed (local access to a non
    existing repository)
    or lines in repository did not match.

    ------ Possible Solutions -----------
    The problem a) should be easy to fix and it should be a
    short fix.
    line 145 : $delta_text .= " $filedata[$i]\n";
    could be rewritten as
    $delta_text .= ' ';
    $delta_text .= $filedata[$i] if ($filedata[$i]);
    $delta_text .= "\n";

    The problem b) has to be carefully evaluated.
    I would like to see a small notification message at the end
    of the page.
    This way the review can continue even in case of failure of
    the repository.

  • David Sitsky

    David Sitsky - 2005-02-17

    Logged In: YES

    That all sounds reasonable, if you want to send me a patch
    with your changes, I'll commit them in.

    Also - if yuo need to demonstrate how Codestriker works with
    a proper repository being configured, check out the example
    on the sf website:

  • Jan Ruzicka

    Jan Ruzicka - 2005-02-18

    patch with above mentioned changes in

  • Jan Ruzicka

    Jan Ruzicka - 2005-02-18

    Logged In: YES

    My task is more along the lines of demonstrating how the
    codestriker can help in our environment and how it will fit
    to our processes.

    I am attaching a patch for the file viewer.

  • Jan Ruzicka

    Jan Ruzicka - 2005-02-18

    None repository - repository in case there is none

  • Jan Ruzicka

    Jan Ruzicka - 2005-02-18

    Logged In: YES

    I am also attaching files to add a "none" repository.

  • Jan Ruzicka

    Jan Ruzicka - 2005-02-18

    patch to use the None repository

  • David Sitsky

    David Sitsky - 2005-05-22

    Logged In: YES

    Closing this off - as I believe we resolved this issue over

  • David Sitsky

    David Sitsky - 2005-05-22
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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