
Toolset COCOM & scripting language DINO / News: Recent posts

New release of COCOM and DINO are availiable

New version of Compiler Toolset COCOM (0.996) and Programming Language Dino (0.55) are available.

Major difference the latest version of COCOM and DINO (Feb 2007) from the previous version (May 2002) is

* WIN32 port has been removed. Use CYGWIN for
installation under Windows.

* Ammunition:
o Serious bugs in Earley's parser have
been fixed. More tests have been
* Dino:
o Adding format input/output to Dino.
o Many bugs have been fixed.
o GMP package was added.
o More tests have been added.
o The interpreter has been
significantly sped up.
o Oberon programming language analyzer
has been added as an example of usage
of Dino as a prototyping compiler

Posted by Vladimir Makarov 2007-02-10