
Help with reverse proxy and Windows 7

  • mwpxadmin

    mwpxadmin - 2011-06-21

    Odd situation in our shop where basic web forms submitted by Win7 IE8 fail (no errors - they just hang). This *NEVER* happens on the WinXP boxes. Kind of complicated to explain, but the sites that fail are reverse proxied to create beautified URLs to the outside world.

    We also have a corp proxy, and I've been reading that  NTLM authentication doesn't play well in proxy/reverse proxy environments.

    Was thinking that cntlm might help me with this issue. A search of the forms returns (1) instance on the subject of reverse proxy, but recommends using the line 'login=PASS'. This line doesn't appear on the wiki site, or in the manual.

    Anyone know more about this, or about reverse proxies / ntlm / Win 7 in general?

    Thanks - could really use some help.


    Link to the post mentioned above:

  • David Kubicek

    David Kubicek - 2011-11-29

    There are different setups of reverse proxy. How does it work in your env exactly? Default answer would be that this is not supported, because it's hard to solve even theoretically, most solutions would be chicken/egg type.


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