
command line options to adapt the cmusphinx-en-us-ptm-8khz-5.2 model

  • Orest

    Orest - 2015-02-27

    I noticed with pleasure that the new cmusphinx-en-us-ptm-8khz-5.2 PTM acoustic model came out for download, and I can already see that is fast. Since this is a PTM model, what are the relevant exact parameters I should use in order to adapt this 8Khz ptm model? I am trying this configuration:

    (same parameters as en-us-8khz)

    should I change anything in sphinx_fe other than "-samprate 8000"?

    ./bw :
    -ts2cbfn .ptm.

    (leaving the rest of the parameters the same as the en-us-8khz)

    should I change anything else in bw other than "-ts2cbfn .ptm." ?
    Because I get an error that tells me to check the command line options

    FATAL: "mod_inv.c", line 358: Number of feature streams in mixture_weights file 3 differs from the configured value 1, check the command line options

    those are my command line options:

    Current configuration:
    [NAME]          [DEFLT]     [VALUE]
    -2passvar       no      no
    -abeam          1e-100      1.000000e-100
    -accumdir               /home/AdaptationData/
    -agc            none        none
    -agcthresh      2.0     2.000000e+00
    -bbeam          1e-100      1.000000e-100
    -cb2mllrfn      .1cls.      .1cls.
    -cepext         mfc     mfc
    -ceplen         13      13
    -ckptintv               0
    -cmn            current     current
    -cmninit        8.0     8.0
    -ctlfn                  /home/AdaptationData/sample.fileids
    -diagfull       no      no
    -dictfn                 /home/Dictionary2
    -example        no      no
    -feat           1s_c_d_dd   1s_c_d_dd
    -fullsuffixmatch    no      no
    -fullvar        no      no
    -help           no      no
    -hmmdir                 /home/cmusphinx-en-us-ptm-8khz-5.2/
    -ldadim         0       0
    -lsnfn                  /home/AdaptationData/sample.transcription
    -lw         11.5        1.150000e+01
    -maxuttlen      0       0
    -meanreest      yes     yes
    -mixwreest      yes     yes
    -mmie           no      no
    -mmie_type      rand        rand
    -moddeffn               /home/cmusphinx-en-us-ptm-8khz-5.2/mdef
    -mwfloor        0.00001     1.000000e-05
    -npart                  0
    -nskip                  0
    -outputfullpath     no      no
    -part                   0
    -phsegext       phseg       phseg
    -runlen         -1      -1
    -sentext        sent        sent
    -spthresh       0.0     0.000000e+00
    -timing         yes     no
    -tmatreest      yes     yes
    -topn           4       4
    -tpfloor        0.0001      1.000000e-04
    -ts2cbfn                .ptm.
    -varfloor       0.00001     1.000000e-05
    -varnorm        no      no
    -varreest       yes     yes
    -viterbi        no      no
    • Nickolay V. Shmyrev

      Tutorial has been updated for a new model, you can just follow it.

  • Sabyasachi Upadhyay

    FATAL: "mod_inv.c", line 358: Number of feature streams in mixture_weights file 3 differs from the configured value 1, check the command line options

    ./bw \ -hmmdir en-us \ -moddeffn en-us/mdef.txt \ -ts2cbfn .ptm. \ -feat 1s_c_d_dd \ -svspec 0-12/13-25/26-38 \ -cmn current \ -agc none \ -dictfn cmudict-en-us.dict \ -ctlfn wav_recordings.fileids \ -lsnfn wav_recordings.transcription \ -accumdir .

    I am using continous model of sphinx4.
    Should I change the $CFG_NUM_STREAMS to 4 and then recompile sphinxtrain??
    Please help me out on this.


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