
CMPCS Translation

Ivan Chan
  • Ivan Chan

    Ivan Chan - 2005-07-21


    I have installed CMPCS on Windows XP, it is really a exciting system, I would like to know how to do UI translation for CMPCS.

    Many thanks,

    • Paulo Emerique

      Paulo Emerique - 2005-07-26

      Read translation directions on compiere site (

      You should logon as system and set your language as "System".

      You can run RUN_TrlExport wich will generate XML files (in DATA folder), translate them and RUN_TrlImport. (First check if there files will export expected language...there's a line like SET AD_LANGUAGE=de_DE wich you should edit on both)

      I think compilo has some directions about translation (

      Post your further doubts.


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