
Circular Multilateral Barter 1.7

We are pleased to announce that the next stable release of our
software for peer-to-peer barter exchange is now available.


  • CMB can be configured to require a registration key
    in order for users to sign up.
  • CMB can be configured to work without an external
    dependency on reCAPTHCA.
  • Users can change their usernames.
  • Minor improvements and bug-fixes.
  • Minor changes to the manual.

The source code is available at:

"Circular Multilateral Barter" (CMB) is free server-side software
for managing peer-to-peer networks for circular barter
exchange. CMB advances conventional barter by making it
multilateral. It does so by engaging peers' trust to decouple the
actual delivery of goods from the agreement to deliver the
goods. Here are some of the advantages that CMB offers compared
to traditional approaches:

Traditional approaches (fiat money, barter dollars, LETS
points) unfortunately blend social trust into a fragile system
of collectivized credit. CMB makes it possible for individuals
to use their own judgement in choosing whom they are willing to
trust. That is: you supply products to customers who trust you,
and you receive products from partners whom you trust.

CMB does not suffer the double coincidence of wants
problem. The trader you deliver goods to and the trader you
obtain what you need from do not need to be the same person, so
there is much more flexibility for arranging trades.

CMB allows virtual money to circulate at infinite velocity so
that no real money is actually needed. That is: trading is not
limited by the global scarcity of money or any other commodity.

CMB uses money solely as a standard of value for a short period
of time (typically a day). Thus CMB is insusceptible to changes
in the value of money.

Go to to see CMB working!

Posted by Evgeni Pandurski 2012-09-08

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