
Cloud Toolkit.Net / News: Recent posts

New version of Cloud Toolkit.Net coming soon!

The new version of Cloud Toolkit.Net will be released soon. There's many new controls like Cloud TextBox, Cloud RichTextBox (as seen in Aries Project by DudeDesign -\), Cloud ColorCombo, Cloud ComboBox and Cloud Plotter (not 100% sure yet)

Be sure to check our website created by CameronD:

Stay connected!
Timo Salomäki (DudeDesign)

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2009-04-25

Cloud Toolkit.Net N6 RC1 released

Cloud Toolkit.Net is a project (Founded on December, 2007) which provides dozens of open source controls for .net developers. Control collection consists of buttons, menus, group- and mediaplayer -controls, windows styled controls etc.

Now the newest version "N6" (working title for version 0.6) is at the first Release Candidate state. It introduces new Windows Seven styled controls and dozens of bug fixes and improvements. For example Cloud Form has now improved caption buttons with animation feature.... read more

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2009-02-09

New control series

Alpha 3 of Cloud Toolkit.Net N6 will contain new series of Windows related controls. Most of the controls will have different layouts (Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000) and they can be found from different namespaces.

New release coming later this month.

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2009-02-04

Cloud Toolkit.Net has gone past 10000 downloads!

Cloud Toolkit .Net provides many useful and good-looking .Net controls for use with .Net applications (VC++, VC#, VB.Net etc).

Now we can proudly announce that over 10000 developers worldwide have downloaded the project files!

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-10-31

Cloud Toolkit N6 Alpha2

I released a new version. It contains many new properties for many controls:

*FIX* Cloud StartMenuButton's CenterText property works properly
*FIX* Cloud StartMenuButton's TextDistanceFromBorder property is added
*FIX* Cloud StarRatingControl now reflects to changes of selected star count
*FIX* Cloud TrackBar's figure size can now be changed (didn't work before)
*FIX* Cloud ButtonListControl now accepts Cloud StartMenuButton as well as CloudButton
*FIX* Cloud Player now fires events like Click, DoubleClick etc.
*FIX* Cloud StartMenuButton's click event is only fired when the left button of the mouse is pressed
*CHANGE* Cloud StartMenuButton's TextImageRelation can be changed
*CHANGE* Cloud StartMenuButton's opacity can be changed
*CHANGE* Cloud StartMenu's opacity can be changed
*CHANGE* Cloud StartMenuButton's corner radius is now changeable
*CHANGE* Cloud StartMenuButton's glow can now be on top of the icon or behind it
*FEATURE* Cloud DesktopButton (Control which mimics the button control in Vista's desktop)
*FEATURE* Cloud Form now uses background image property (The opacity of the background image can be changed) ... read more

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-10-28

Send screenshots from your programs using Cloud Toolkit N6

Have you made a program which effeciently uses Cloud Toolkit.Net controls in it? Please send us a screenshot from your creation at our forums!

DudeDesign (Timo Salomäki)

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-10-23

Cloud Toolkit N6 (revision-4) released

Some bugs fixed etc.

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-10-21

New beta testers!

We have three new beta testers in our project. Amrykid, Sidneys1 and erio. They will have some work soon because I (DudeDesign) am creating a new set of Cloud Toolkit.Net controls which are made for multimedia application developers. There will be stuff like volume controller styled controls, dj's vinyl spinner etc.

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-10-18

Re-release of Cloud Toolkit N6

There was accidentally password protection in the newest Cloud Toolkit N6 zip file, now the right file is released and can be downloaded from the download section.

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-10-02

Cloud Toolkit N6

This version is going to be published very soon! 23 controls and some new stuff...

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-09-22

New controls

New controls which are going to be released in future are:

Cloud Tickertape
Cloud Slider
Cloud Chatwindow
Cloud Mediaplayer

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-09-20

Feature requests greately welcome!

You can make Cloud Toolkit.Net better by suggesting new features and controls into it. If you like our project, please take some time to think of the possible things you would like to see implemented!

DudeDesign (Project admin)

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-03-29

Cloud Toolkit.Net keeps going on!

It may have seen that the development has stopped, but the work we have done, can't be seen from outsider view. We have one new developer, anish174 and some plans for the future.

- Cloud Masked TextBox will be implemented by anish174

- Skinning Framework is currently in planning state (Jacob)

- I (dudedesign) am planning for future controls and currently I'm developing some controls like Image Editor and Ribbon panel... read more

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-03-27


In future Cloud Toolkit.Net is able to recieve donations. You are free to send them into dudedesign's paypal account. All the funds are shared with the developers of this project debending on how much work they have done.

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-03-12

New releases

Sources were reuploaded because the download file was somehow corrupt. There is also Cloud Form (with caption buttons) uploaded in future previews section.

Cloud ListBox is under development.

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-03-07

Cloud Form caption buttons implemented

Cloud Form now has properly working caption buttons. They were not implemented at first, but now they are. Downloadable package will come out soon.

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-03-02

Roadmap to version 0.6 (0.x)

Roadmap of Cloud Toolkit.Net project:


0.4.5 Bug fixes (if needed)

0.5 - Documentation, installation program, all the
controls finished + design-time features added.
No new controls rather than those which are
already under development.
- Plans for Cloud Skinning Framework start (SVG wrapper etc.)
- Video tutorials

0.5.x Bug fixes to documentation, controls etc.

0.6 - Working version of Cloud Skinning Framework. At least alpha
or beta version.
- A couple of new controls:... read more

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-02-26

Suggest features!

Remember that you can suggest features to this project! Some of us (developers) check this project site at least once in the day (usually many times) so we can answer to your questions and suggestions really fast.

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-02-26

Cloud Toolkit.Net looking forward to Windows 7 and Office 14

Cloud Toolkit.Net will be among those first graphical user designer teams which implement Windows 7 and Office 14 controls for use with .net applications. There has been some leaked screenshots from the Windows 7 Milestone 1 release and Cloud Toolkit.Net will be providing you some look-a-like controls in upcoming weeks.

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-02-25

Cloud Toolkit.Net 0.5.0 RC2 Preview released!

Cloud Toolkit.Net is an Office 2007 styled control toolkit for .net, written in C#. It features over 10 controls from basic button to professional GroupBox and Clock controls. Main goal is to provide fully customizable, easy to use controls for developers.

Cloud Toolkit.Net 0.5 RC2 was released on 22, February 2008 and it includes following features:

1) One new control, Cloud Form which is redesigned from the scratch.
2) Many bugfixes
4) All controls available in one Dll and in one namespace called CloudToolkitnet050... read more

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-02-22


First preview of new Cloud Form control codenamed "Blackie" has come out. Check the main screenshot of the project to see something out. It's really cool form control with rounded borders and big caption with clear text rendering + many more features. You can download preview programs from Future Previews section in project downloads. Package name is Blackie.

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-02-21

Cloud Toolkit.Net 0.5 RC1 released

Cloud Toolkit.Net is an Office 2007 styled control toolkit for .net, written in C#. It features over 10 controls from basic button to professional GroupBox and Clock controls. Main goal is to provide fully customizable, easy to use controls for developers.

Cloud Toolkit.Net 0.5 RC1 was released on 15, February 2008 and it includes following features:

1) Three new controls (ProgressBar, Clock and GroupBox) and several bug fixes
2) Improved documentation and video tutorials preview
3) Easy installation program for novice users and instructions on using the controls
4) All controls available in separate dll's... read more

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-02-15

Version 0.4.4 2nd release

I added Cameron D's Cloud ProgressBar, Cloud CheckBox and updated documentation + readme.

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-02-14


Roadmap of Cloud Toolkit.Net project

0.4.5 Bug fixes (if needed)
0.5 - Documentation, installation program, all the
controls finished + design-time features added.
No new controls rather than those which are
already under development.
- Plans for Cloud Skinning Framework start (SVG wrapper etc.)
- Video tutorials
0.5.x Bug fixes to documentation, controls etc.
0.6 - Working version of Cloud Skinning Framework. At least alpha
or beta version.
- A couple of new controls:
* Cloud Gauge
* Cloud Taskbar Notifier

Posted by SubsonicDesign 2008-02-13