
Stable Clonezilla live (1.2.11-23) Released

This release of Clonezilla live (1.2.11-23) includes major enhancements and major bug fixes.

The underlying GNU/Linux operating system was upgraded. This release is based on the Debian Sid repository (as of 2011/Nov/28).
Linux kernel was updated to version 3.1.1-1.
Partclone was updated to version 0.2.38.
Gdisk was updated to 0.8.1.
A new mode "1-2-mdisks" (one image to be restored to multiple disks) was added in Clonezilla main menu. This is useful for creating massive USB flash drives. Check this:
This release supports VMFS5 imaging and cloning.
An option "-pa|--postaction" was added to ocs-onthefly; it can be assigned to reboot or shut down the machine after cloning. Thanks to flyfoxuk for this idea.
The option to fsck the source partition will be shown in beginner mode.
The grub2 for EFI booting was improved. Now it is able to boot a Mac machine from a USB flash drive with the MBR partition table.
The package cpufrequtils was added.
The volume name of DOS and NTFS partitions on destination disk will be shown before restoring.
Restore related menu, i.e. restoredisk or restoreparts, will only be shown when images exist in image repository.
//NOTE// From Clonezilla live 1.2.6-24, if you manage the boot parameters by yourself, you have to put the extra boot parameter "config" or "live-config" to make live-config to work.
//NOTE// From Clonezilla live 1.2.6-24, due to the change in Live-boot, the boot parameter to assign static IP address has been changed. The new format is:


A bug in the option "-k1" was fixed.
A bug where NFS 4 might have been automatically used after assigning the NFS version 2/3 protocol when mounting an NFS image repository was fixed.
If the "system reserved partition" of MS Windows 7 or Vista is found when restoring with the option "-k1" enabled, this partition won't be enlarged to prevent boot failures.
A bug about failing to clone NTFS partitions on the AMD64 version of Clonezilla live was fixed.

Posted by Steven Shiau 2011-11-28

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