
partclone disable size checking

  • Andrea Cuozzo

    Andrea Cuozzo - 2009-06-01


    I have a disk image created using clonezilla live, I'm trying to restore on a disk that was supposed to be identical (same IBM model), but it's got 1 cilynder less than the original instead: during the restore phase Partclone tells me:

    "Target partition size (73279 MB) is smaller than source (73288 MB). Use option -C to disable size checking (Dangerous)."

    then clonezilla exits, suggesting to check the /var/log/partclone.log file, that unfortunately doesn't exist. I'd like to push my luck and give the -C option a try, but i cannot make too much sense of the partclone.ntfs command line parameters to replicate the operation clonezilla was doing, adding the -C option. Both googling and browsing the partclone site didn't help, I couldn't find a single page with a partclone command line to get ideas from. Can you tell me what partclone.ntfs command line Clonezilla use when restoring a disk image in /home/partimg/<image_name>/ to /dev/sda ?



    • Steven Shiau

      Steven Shiau - 2009-06-01

      You can try to edit /opt/drbl/sbin/ocs-sr, modify

      Please tell us your results.


    • Andrea Cuozzo

      Andrea Cuozzo - 2009-06-01

      Thanks Steven,

      with that modification the partclone graphical phase now goes all the way through 100% complete: the resulting operating system (windows 2003) starts and unfortunately goes blue screen during startup, but that's likely the missing megabytes in the image that's causing it.

      thanks for the prompt help.


      • Steven Shiau

        Steven Shiau - 2009-06-02

        Did you try to use MS windows installation disk to fix it ?
        BTW, after it failed to boot MS windows, how about if you boot clonezilla live, then:
        1. sudo -i
        2. parted -s /dev/sda print (replace /dev/sda with your disk)

        What's the result of (2) ?


    • Andrea Cuozzo

      Andrea Cuozzo - 2009-06-02

      here's the result of (2):

      Model: ServeRA Drive 1 (scsi)
      Disk /dev/sda: 73.3GB
      Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
      Partition Table: msdos

      Number Start       End         Size       Type        File system   Flags
      1           32.3kB    73.3GB    73.3GB   primary                         boot

      It is the same result I get on a second server (I got 28 of them, all identical, to put the image onto) where the restoring procedure is succesful and the resulting operating system is ok, except for the "File system" field: on the server where the restoring is good in the "File system" field there is "ntfs", on the server where I got problem the "File system" field is empty.

      I've tried booting into the recovery console, but an "unmountable boot disk" blue screen error comes up; I haven't tried with the installation disk yet, will be first thing tomorrow morning at the office (22:26 now in Italy)

      thanks again for your help


      • Steven Shiau

        Steven Shiau - 2009-06-03

        There are some improvement in the testing branch of clonezilla live, so maybe you can give 1.2.2-19 a try ?


    • Andrea Cuozzo

      Andrea Cuozzo - 2009-06-03

      I've downloaded and tried the 1.2.2-19 version, but the problem stays the same; the Windows boot disk cannot find the OS, just like the recovery console couldn't, and a couple of low level utilities tell me there ain't no ntfs file system on the disk and give me the reformat option only. At the moment I'm shrinking the 70GB partition to 60GB on the server to be cloned, and I'll use clonezilla to clone the partition, not the disk, so that on each of the 28 target servers I have plenty of space regardless of the IBM hard disk geometry differences.


      • Steven Shiau

        Steven Shiau - 2009-06-04

        Yes, this solution should be easier.


    • Andrea Cuozzo

      Andrea Cuozzo - 2009-06-04

      Shrinking and cloning the partition only works good: my testing time is over so I'll stick with this procedure for the project. Steven, thanks for your prompt help: I appreciated so much the feeling not to be on my own with the problem, I'd have probably given up on clonezilla some days ago was not for your help.

      best regards,


      • Steven Shiau

        Steven Shiau - 2009-06-05

        No problem. Hope someday we have better ways to deal with this.



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