
#58 Automatic Shutdown should work without being an expert


This thing was already wrote in here but didnt change. I vote too for changing the behaviour of Clonezilla Live when it comes to automatic shutdown. The average Joe dont want to read how to use parameters to repair the software and make it run as it should.
If there is the option to automatically shutdown the pc after backup it shouldnt be the case that the pc is running the next day only because the cd isnt taken out. I think this software targets the average joe too and for that it should be doing what is set without being an expert.

If the reason for taking out the cd is only that at next reboot not clonezilla is started again then it is possible to ask the user on startup if he really wants to start clonezilla or not. Other Live-CDs are doing it this way.

I think that should be changed...


  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2009-12-21

    Sorry, your comment is very confusing. Could you explain more? In which mode, which situation, you need automatic shutdown?

  • Vize-TE

    Vize-TE - 2010-02-24


    I noticed the same problem.
    I downloaded and burned following iso to a CD: clonezilla-live-1.2.3-27.iso.
    Then I booted the pc and

    1) selected: Clonezilla live (Default Settings)
    2) selected language: english
    3) selected keymap: german
    4) selected to start clonezilla (non-commandline-version)
    5) selected: device-image
    6) selected image directory: samba server => use dhcp => use ip => no domain
    7) selected user and image-path
    8) typed password
    9) selected: expert mode => savedisk => Imagename
    10) selected disk to clone => priority => some options => compression (gzip) => file size (2000)
    12) confirmed settings

    If I forgot to remove the cd now the client will not shutdown like
    selected before. (#11)
    After completing the image the cd-tray opens an the pc waits for
    a confirmation.
    I think that is the problem Sebastian described.

  • Vize-TE

    Vize-TE - 2010-02-24

    I tried to make it right now. But while clonezille creates the image i can't remove the cd because it's not possible to open the cd-tray manually.

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2010-02-28

    "while clonezille creates the image i can't remove the cd because it's not possible to open the cd-tray manually." -> You have to choose "ToRAM" option in the boot menu, otherwise the CD is mounted.



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