
#182 Choose option -K1 (partition...) grow my Swap partition



Today, I made an installation of Linux Mint on a HD 40 GB.

My partitions are composed as follows:

sda1 8 GB Swap
sda2 32 GB / ext4

I wanted to choose the option -K1 because I restored a 500 GB HD.

Unfortunately, the proportional change the partition size does not work well because I found myself with a swap 100 GB.

Normally, the creation of a table of proportional partition is the last partition expand to a larger HD. right?

For example, I made a backup of Win 7 system with 100 MB (system partition) and everything else partition. During the restoration, I
choose the option -K1 and then resize the last partition and has not touched the first partition Win 7 system of 100 MB.

A bug with the swap ?

Thank you in advance for your support.



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    DMAC-TECH - 2013-12-04

    I tried blacklisting the mei module and that didnt work but I disabled the IMEI in the bios and I don't get the errors anymore.

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2013-12-14

    So you meant after you disabled the IMEI, everything works?


  • David Henderson

    David Henderson - 2014-03-04

    I am getting the same errors over and over
    mei_me 0000:00:03.0: reset: connect/disconnect timeout

    It is related to the Intel Management Engine Interface. I would rather not disable this in BIOS. Does the newest release (with the newest kernel) fix this?

    Here is another thread that talks about this problem

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2014-03-06

    "Does the newest release (with the newest kernel) fix this?" -> Maybe. Did you give that a try? E.g. Clonezilla live 2.2.2-18 or 20140303-*?


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